Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Laporan Implementasi Summorum Pontificium dari Afrika

Dalam Summorum Pontificium (2007), yang membebaskan secara luas pelaksanaan Liturgi tahun 1962 (Tridentin), Paus meminta para uskup memberikan laporan implementasi 3 tahun setelah diterbitkannya dokumen tersebut.

Salah satu laporan diberikan oleh Uskup dari Diosis Natitingou, Benin, Yang Mulia Pascal N'Koué. Laporan ini diterbitkan dalam surat kabar Keuskupan.

Beliau berpendapat bahwa kedua forma bisa hidup berdampingan dan saling melengkapi. Pelaksanaan Misa forma Ekstraordinaria (Tridentin) membuat para imam muda di keuskupan semakin menghayati dan menghormati Altar, keheningan, doa-doa liturgi proper, tindakan-tindakan liturgis (seperti tanda salib dan berlutut) dan orientasi liturgi (bersama umat menghadap Salib - posisi ad orientem). Secara singkat, ritus Tridentin memberi kesempatan untuk semakin memahami dan semakin menghargai ritus Paulus VI (forma Ordinaria pasca Konsili Vatikan II).

Beberapa dari imam-imam di keuskupan secara spontan mempelajari dan mulai mempersembahkan ritus Tridentin ini. Terjadi saling memperkaya antara kedua forma. Terjadi internalisasi makna rubik. Hal-hal yang tadinya diperdebatkan (seperti makna misteri, kekudusan, adorasi, kemuliaan Ilahi, partisipasi aktif) sekarang mengalir secara natural.

Berikut teks lengkapnya dalam bahasa Inggris, diterjemahkan oleh New Liturgical Movement:

Natitingou, June 15, 2010

Your Eminence,

It is with joy that, upon request of the Apostolic Nunciature to Benin, I inform you of our experience concerning the Motu Proprio of Pope Benedict XVI, "Summorum Pontificum".

At the outset I would like to say that the Extraordinary Form of Roman Rite has been introduced in my diocese in October 2003, i.e. before the Motu Proprio. My conviction that these two forms can coexist peacefully and enrich each other is beyond doubt and long held. In my humble opinion, the two forms have no problem (sc. with each other). The conflicts come from our sick and intoxicated hearts or our ideologies arising from the narrowness of our minds and our formation courses which are too set in their ways.

As you will read in the report - delivered herewith, prepared by Father Denis Le Pivain, parish priest of St. John the Baptist - there have been no waves in Natitingou, but still a little turbulence ... The priest does not undertake anything without consulting the bishop. This is one of his great merits. The unity of the Church obliges. In fact, there is a remarkable sympathy and harmony among all the priests on this subject.

Personally, I must profess that the celebration in the old form is an opportunity for my young clergy and the entire diocese. It allows one to value more highly the altar (prayer at the foot of the altar), the sacred silence, the secrets, the multiple signs of the cross and genuflections and even the fact that we are all turned towards the Cross (ad orientem position). In short, the Tridentine rite offers us an opportunity to better understand and better appreciate the rite of Paul VI.

Several of my priests, without any pressure from my part, have spontaneously begun to learn to celebrate the Mass of St. Pius V or more exactly the mass of Pope John XXIII. Obviously the more one emphasizes the "ars celebrandi", the more both forms influence each other positively. When the rubrics are internalised, the liturgy touches the faithful with its beauty and depth; and one no longer needs to quarrel about the mystery, the sacred, adoration, the majesty of God and active participation. It goes without saying. In addition, the Roman Canon and the liturgical gestures in the old rite are closer to our African religiosity and sensibility. I speak only for my diocese.

My wish is that one day every priest is able to celebrate in both forms. It is not impossible, especially if they are introduced in our seminaries. But here in Natitingou, we cannot apply the old rite pure and simple, ignoring the light of "Sacrosanctum Concilium". Everything is there. The extraordinary form cannot ignore the Second Vatican Council, just as the ordinary form cannot ignore the ancient rite without being impoverished. There is a balance to be kept. The Commission "Ecclesia Dei" seems to encourage us to continue in this direction.

I close by invoking the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary on all priests. It is God's love which will save the world and not the rites as such. Let us work to awaken that passion for the Crucified who loved us and gave Himself for us.

In hopes of having answered somewhat according to your request, I assure you, Your Eminence, of my faithful cooperation in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Pascal N'KOUE

Referensi: An African Bishop on Summorum Pontificum, Mutual Enrichment, and the Reform of the Reform
Teks asli dalam bahasa Perancis: Application du Motu Proprio : le compte-rendu d’un évêque africain

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